There is currently no data available worldwide on the environmental localisation of MASLD/MASH patients. However, these can be important elements for motivating, target group-specific communication aimed at bringing about sustainable lifestyle changes. We are particularly interested in communication strategies to increase awareness and adherence.

Together with a team of medical experts and the Sinus Institute, a questionnaire was drawn up that enables the clustering of the MASLD/MASH population under investigation with similar attitudes, values and lifestyles by means of a so-called milieu localisation.

The participating patients were selected and cared for by our medical co-operation partners.

Once the survey has been completed, the Sinus Institute analyses the results and organises a joint workshop with all those involved in the project.

A total of 527 completed questionnaires were collected and analysed, making the sample representative of the disease population.

The results were presented as a poster at the EASL SLD Summit in Prague in September 2023.

MASLD/MASH patients are located in all milieus, including those with a particularly high level of health awareness. There are interesting differences and specificities in the subpopulations studied for co-morbidities and behavioural dimensions.  

A manuscript for a full publication is in preparation.

We are actively supported in this project by Prof Canbay (Bochum), Prof Geier (Würzburg), Prof Hofmann (Berlin), Prof Schattenberg (Mainz), Prof Teufel (Mannheim) and the SINUS Institute.

Our sponsors include Pfizer, Gilead and NovoNordisk.

Gender-appropriate language: In principle, this text includes all genders. For better readability, however, only one gender form is used.

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