www.pbcnews.info is a patient-led online resource in German for PBC patients, their friends and families, run by Kautz5 gUG since 2017. The website provides patient-relevant disease information, patient support material (all available for download) and a list of doctors specialising in PBC management. All content is reviewed by a panel of scientific experts. The website is complemented by several additional community-building formats (online meetings and seminars).

Since its launch, this online community has successfully grown to a considerable reach: in 2023, the site had a total of 49,000 visitors, including 38,000 unique visitors and 11,000 regular return visitors.

The site is supported by Advanz Pharma and Ipsen Pharma GmbH.

PBC Homepage

Gender-appropriate language: In principle, this text includes all genders. For better readability, however, only one gender form is used.

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